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Monday, July 6, 2009


History, Theory, and Discussion in the science of architecture is the aspects that can not be separated, and the third has relevance and related. Architecture process continuously will forth the theory of architecture, while the fruit is the architecture critic of the theory of architecture.

A cycle that applies the universal

1. History In Architecture

Learning about the history of architecture in will associated with description and interpretation of the study will be the success of the product architecture. Errors and lack of past studies to be the best at this time to be able to produce works of architecture that are useful and helpful.

Monuments-monuments historic building work that the ancestors have been established in the past to be fixed name even consumption can still be visually and education can be proud as a lesson that in the era before the building can make a beautiful and majestic.

Architecture is seen as the building or the techniques which make the building process, which consists of: planning (an idea or ideas), design and implementation of development. Architecture is also seen as a space or room will fulfillment by all men to do certain activities. Architecture is seen as history, where the architecture is an expression of physical and cultural survival of a society, in terms of time and place. The existence of contemporary architecture with its own human civilization on earth.

History and architecture includes dimensional space and time limitations can not be determined. Therefore study of the history of architecture based on the chronological space, dimension and time. Of this can be divided into three (3), namely: traditional primitive, classical and modern. This division are global, so each period are still to be grouped again in detail.

2. In the theory of Architecture

Theory in architecture is a description of some of the questions, namely:

  • What is architecture?
  • What must be achieved with the architecture?
  • How do I design / design?
  • What's the product architecture?
  • How do I find the idea an architect?
  • Etc..
Goal to learn the theory of architecture are:

  • Help identify and learn the work of architecture;
  • Assist architects in the design process;
  • Provide direction in the design process, but can not guarantee a perfect result of the paper;
  • It is suspected, a hope, which can be identified hypothetical however often not scientific.
According to Vitruvius, architecture is the purpose of regulation depends on the order, harmony in the movement, symmetry, congruence and the economy. Architecture is determined by the function / comfort, structure / durability, and aesthetics / beauty. According to Bruno Zevi, the theory of architecture covers how to identify important variables, space, structure and processes of the activities of community life.

Space is a basic element, the space means knowing how to see the (elements of the architecture) and is the key to get to know and understand the architecture building. How to make, recognize, and understand the architecture, among others, with the analogy:

  • Architecture that is considered to be organic
  • Architecture is a language
  • Architecture is considered as a machine

3. Discussion In Architecture

Discussion is a recording of the responses to the artificial environment (built environment). Discussion included all responses, including negative feedback and criticism on the substance and meaning to the separation filter. The main criticism is not the assessment and classification (for example: a reaction against the draft settlement made with the method of delivery).

Method criticism architecture consists of:

  • Discussion Normative; criticism is based on the normative standard guidelines.
  • Discussion interpretation, criticism and interpretation of this is personal.
  • Discussion Descriptive; rate is not, does not interpret, solely to help people see what the truth is, explains the design process of a building.

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