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Monday, July 6, 2009


History, Theory, and Discussion in the science of architecture is the aspects that can not be separated, and the third has relevance and related. Architecture process continuously will forth the theory of architecture, while the fruit is the architecture critic of the theory of architecture.

A cycle that applies the universal

1. History In Architecture

Learning about the history of architecture in will associated with description and interpretation of the study will be the success of the product architecture. Errors and lack of past studies to be the best at this time to be able to produce works of architecture that are useful and helpful.

Monuments-monuments historic building work that the ancestors have been established in the past to be fixed name even consumption can still be visually and education can be proud as a lesson that in the era before the building can make a beautiful and majestic.

Architecture is seen as the building or the techniques which make the building process, which consists of: planning (an idea or ideas), design and implementation of development. Architecture is also seen as a space or room will fulfillment by all men to do certain activities. Architecture is seen as history, where the architecture is an expression of physical and cultural survival of a society, in terms of time and place. The existence of contemporary architecture with its own human civilization on earth.

History and architecture includes dimensional space and time limitations can not be determined. Therefore study of the history of architecture based on the chronological space, dimension and time. Of this can be divided into three (3), namely: traditional primitive, classical and modern. This division are global, so each period are still to be grouped again in detail.

2. In the theory of Architecture

Theory in architecture is a description of some of the questions, namely:

  • What is architecture?
  • What must be achieved with the architecture?
  • How do I design / design?
  • What's the product architecture?
  • How do I find the idea an architect?
  • Etc..
Goal to learn the theory of architecture are:

  • Help identify and learn the work of architecture;
  • Assist architects in the design process;
  • Provide direction in the design process, but can not guarantee a perfect result of the paper;
  • It is suspected, a hope, which can be identified hypothetical however often not scientific.
According to Vitruvius, architecture is the purpose of regulation depends on the order, harmony in the movement, symmetry, congruence and the economy. Architecture is determined by the function / comfort, structure / durability, and aesthetics / beauty. According to Bruno Zevi, the theory of architecture covers how to identify important variables, space, structure and processes of the activities of community life.

Space is a basic element, the space means knowing how to see the (elements of the architecture) and is the key to get to know and understand the architecture building. How to make, recognize, and understand the architecture, among others, with the analogy:

  • Architecture that is considered to be organic
  • Architecture is a language
  • Architecture is considered as a machine

3. Discussion In Architecture

Discussion is a recording of the responses to the artificial environment (built environment). Discussion included all responses, including negative feedback and criticism on the substance and meaning to the separation filter. The main criticism is not the assessment and classification (for example: a reaction against the draft settlement made with the method of delivery).

Method criticism architecture consists of:

  • Discussion Normative; criticism is based on the normative standard guidelines.
  • Discussion interpretation, criticism and interpretation of this is personal.
  • Discussion Descriptive; rate is not, does not interpret, solely to help people see what the truth is, explains the design process of a building.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


HOUSING (Housing): is a place (space) with a dominant function for a place to stay.

Most important elements of the establishment of a housing that is home alone. House can be defined as follows:
  • A place to settle, residence / address, location of residence.
  • The existence of the individual / family (related to the status, the position, identity).
  • Part of the functional areas of the city.
  • Investment (or family company).
  • Source movement generation (trip production).
  • Space for recreation.
  • Space that is used to establish family life.
  • Vessel as the limit of privacy.
  • etc.
Read More - THE HOUSE


Settlement (Human Settlement) : is a place (space) to live for human groups. (Doxiadis, 1971).

Settlement is always associated with housing. HOUSING : is a place (space) with a dominant function for a place to stay. For understanding the information, housing can be defined from some elements of housing, namely:

  • Shelter; protection against external interference (nature, animals), etc..
  • House; structure building to live.
  • Housing, Housing, the things associated with the event live (build, tenant).
  • Human settlement; group (aggregate) housing activity and house (settlement).
  • Habitat; environment (not a human).

According Doxiadis, Settlement (Human Settlement) will run well if associated with some unsure, namely: Nature (natural), Man (men), Society (social life), Shell (space), and Networks (relationship).



The development of housing that will support the rapid growth of a region. This is the positive impact of housing development, but if the rapid growth in housing is not set will cause crowded regulation of development is good, because it requires the existence of a policy to manage the growth.
The goal of the development of housing policy are:
  • Reduce the distance between the number of homes with the needs of the home (urban).
  • Focus on the provision of group homes for middle-down.
  • Encourage the development of housing that meets the environmental requirements for life to develop social, economic, and not deviate from the limited environment.
Some have policies that will result in the development in accordance with the considerations of the good life, which are:
  • GENERAL SPATIAL PLAN (Rencana Umum Tata Ruang / RUTR) CITY ; landing location of housing, building intensity,
  • HOUSING OF PROCUREMENT; new housing development, the area ready to wake up (Kawasan Siap Bangun / KSB),
  • IMPROVING HOUSING ENVIRONMENT; village improvements, subsidized building materials, technical assistance.
  • PROVISION of BASIC FACILITY; consolidation of land, site & services, land reejustment.


Housing is the most important factor in the life of a region, because the life of a region will be supported with good and bad of life in the housing area.

Constraints that arise from the housing development will also prevent the development of a region, this is due to housing problems will affect the life of the housing is. Growth of a region, the elements of the most important actors are perpetrators, so the problem of housing is a critical factor to support the sustainability of a region.

Common problems that occur on a housing usually associated with some of the elements, namely:
  • The development of population (urban)
  • Land
  • The Financing System
  • Development areas
  • Facility environment
  • Technical technologist
  • Public participation / community development

Some of the elements above can be described as follows:

1. Development POPULATION
  • Rate of growth of urban population (urbanization process and quantity changes).
  • Changes in behavior and needs of residents; mobility, lifestyle, (quality change). Value of the home range, from basic needs and social status become the commodity economy. Encourage the mobility of the population disparity availability of home (many rural homes do not uninhabited, many urban areas of the home crowd).
  • Gap in population growth with the availability of space, houses and infrastructure. Standard services decrease.

2. Land
  • Limited space for the provision of land for the development of public facilities and infrastructure environment.
  • Encourage the process of speculation, prevent the development of policy direction.
  • Encourage control of the land for the time.
  • The high population growth will push the high request of housing needs while land is available the longer the more reduced.
3. The Financing System
  • The Financing system directly from the government decreased.
  • Some removed the subsidy from the government.
  • Infrastructure was the case this will be associated with the ability of local governments (APBD) in infrastructure development fund, so that each region will not be the same.
  • Growing (variation House Ownership Credit & commercial)
  • No regulatory control
  • Position still "inferior", no protection and support

  • Space allocation; conflict with the needs of the allocation for agricultural cultivation, protected the local border rivers (Daerah Aliran Sungai / DAS).
  • Land; legislation, speculation, market mechanism.
  • Distribution locations; legislation, market mechanism, interest area.


The building is a form of a solid where the existence of cover or reduce the space available. Intensity is a measure of building density in three-dimensional, associated with a site. Intensity is used as instrument to control building density.
To measure horizontal, used BCR (Building Coverage Ratio) / KDB (Basic Building Coefficients), are used for vertical FAR (Floor Area Ratio) / KLB (Coefficients of Floor Building).

  • 1st Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) / Basic Building coefficients (KDB)
BCR / KDB is a broad comparison between the ground floor of the building land. (Building Area / Land Area X 100%). Coefficients are usually used as a decimal or percent (eg 60% or 0.6) BCR / KDB aims to set the amount of area building covering the surface of the ground, this will affect the ground water infiltration or ground water availability for the future. Besides the existence of the guard as the ground water, surface soil that is not a closed building will be able to receive sunlight directly to make the soil so that air can dry out the surrounding buildings are not dampen.

  • 2nd Floor Area Ratio (FAR) / coefficients Floor Building (KLB)
FAR / KLB is a comparison between knowledgeable floor building with an area of land. (BCR X n), n = number of floors (level) buildings. Figures coefficient is usually used as a decimal (eg 1.2, 1.6, 2.5, etc.) Regulations of FAR / KLB this will affect the skyline created by the existing collection of buildings in the vicinity. The purpose of determining FAR / KLB is related to the rights of each person / building to receive the sun. If the building has a harmonious high, the neighbor buildings can receive sunlight same as building on the side.


Set in the selection of a home as a place to live or take shelter of all conditions is not easy, especially in the selection of a house in the area of housing. Many considerations will be counted and many aspects

Whether or not the selection of housing locations will be associated with some of the team or organization into the formation of a housing. Some of the parties involved and the motivation for choosing the location of housing are:

  • Appropriate spatial area.
Suitability for the location of housing with the suitability of spatial region will help the government establish a residential area in harmony with other areas of planning that has been planned in the Spatial Plan (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah / RTRW) or City Spatial Plan (Rencana Tata Ruang Kawasan / RTRK), so that the form of a region or city government can be expected with perfect form / fit the rules.
  • Minimal land may reduce the rice field.
Land rice field land which is productive in meeting their food needs for all people. Given the importance of rice field land for human life then the government expects that the rice field soil have not reduced it's area due to housing development. "A good home, but if there is no food that can be consumed will be created does not have any human resources / energy to do all activities."
  • Safe from the threat of disaster.
Location of housing is not expected to be at the location that has a high threat of disaster is high. When a location is located in the housing area to the disaster-prone (natural and human), then there is the emergence of a need that level of supervision will be high, both by themselves and the government housing. In the event of a disaster that is natural disaster, the government will be burden dealing with victims of natural disasters, and where the handling costs will be high enough and the government will reduce the capital that had been allocated to other sectors.
  • Close to the facilities that have been prepared.
Proximity of a residential location with many facilities that have been provided by the government will assist the government in reducing the facilities for housing. If a housing located in a remote location with facilities that are provided by the government will make the government should think and issue the allocation of funds for the development of these facilities.

2. Developer;
  • Cheaper land prices.
Cheapness of land price obtained for the location of housing will help the developers to press for the development of the production cost of housing. In this case, economic factors will be affected quite a lot, because the price is cheap will be give effect to the selling price of units is also the home of cheap units, so the house will sell quickly and the developers will get a quick profit.
  • Conditions potential site to be developed.
Potential site to be developed that can help to the developers to push the cost of land for maturation, so that it is not necessary that the handling is quite complicated to build units to house and facilities in the housing.
  • Lowest possible social cost.
It is the social facilities that are near the location of housing, it will help the developers not to build more facilities to meet the social needs of the housing

3. Candidates settlers;
  • Affordable prices.
Cheapness price house that sold the unit in a housing will help the search for the home, especially among the poor to be able to have a house in accordance with the standard requirement. This will also help the search for a house can take the Credit Home Ownership.
  • Ease the process of credit.
A cheap price does not always become the main priority, this is the case in search of the house that are less capable. The complexity of the requirements proposed by the Development partners (in this case the banks that issue credit) to factor that make desire to have a house is off again, usually because the search of the home can not be less able to buy a house in cash, so credit of Housing Ownership Credit (Kredit Pemilikan Rumah / KPR) is a road that main.
  • Near the workplace.
Accessibility are factors that affect the prospective resident to determine the choice of buying a home. Human beings are all want to fast, especially at this time is someone determines the success of the business. The man quickly be in the more rapidly he also desires to get, so the location close to the workplace will provide ease of accessibility, fast and easy for candidates to work for settlers.
  • Safe from disaster.
Security is a factor that provide a sense of comfort for prospective settlers to live in a house. The location of safe houses to make a disaster will make the housing feel more comfortable to live.


Determination of housing as a space to set priorities in doing activity every day will always be associated with the location of housing where is located. Factors affecting the determination of the location of housing are:

1. 1. Physical
  • Accessibility,
  • Topography,
  • The availability of water,
  • Fertility,
  • Flooding,
  • Power support
  • Value of land,
  • Accessibility,
  • Amenities,
3. 3. SOCIAL;
  • Security,
  • Preferences,
  • Legal
Some aspects of the fundamental factors including in factor in determining the location of housing policy, such as:

  • Disaster (Natural & Environmental)
  • Legacy / law.
  • Criminality.
  • Investment
Security must be obtained from several factors. Every human being always want the security in each activity. Security aspects can be:
  • SAFE FROM NATURAL DISASTER: earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, landslides. (need information: a map of the disaster).
  • SAFE ENVIRONMENT OF DISASTER: air pollution, water and land (due to industry, transportation, induction electricity, garbage disposal, fire & other dangerous activities).
  • SAFE FROM LEGAL MATTERS / Legality: clear status of land (not in dispute), allotment of land according to the plan of the city.
  • SAFE FROM crime: robbery, theft, extortion, intimidation, conflict environment.
  • SAFELY IN INVESTMENT: security and legal protection, a conducive security environment.

2. 2. SAFETY (Amenities) / Convenience:
  • Climate / weather.
  • Physical Environment
  • Accessibility
  • Public Facilities
  • Facility
  • Social
In addition to Aspect Security, a very fundamental aspect in the sense that life is good completed of Aspects Leisure / Easy, because this aspect will affect the physical and psychological condition of the housing is. Aspects Leisure / Convenience can be obtained from:
  • CLIMATE / weather: temperature, humidity, strong wind, the air cleanliness.
  • PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: land conditions (flat, dry), the availability of water, adequate drainage, power support.
  • Accessibility to LOCATION OF WORK: ease of achievement (the distance and type of transportation), cheap (served public transport).
  • PUBLIC FACILITIES: availability or proximity to public services (education, health, trade, recreation).
  • FACILITY: the availability of road network, electricity, water, gas, waste management services.
  • SOCIAL SAFETY: neighbourhood relationship, the interaction between environment.


Housing as a means sufficient for the needs of people who are in a region home to the demand. Needs for this place associated with the development of the population in the region. The big or high population growth will be the larger the need for housing must be available.
New housing development can be categorized according to the amount of housing will be three (3), namely:

  • In this type of development, the role of the government more as a regulator.
  • Government can also act as the developer. Usually this type of housing known as the National Estate (PERUMNAS).
  • Main problems that occur from the development of new types of housing needs of this area is big enough to accommodate all the facilities / infrastructure, or the number of home units that must be provided. Usually the land use is agricultural land, because this is the land that is still quite a lot available in a region in the State of Indonesia, the agrarian country. Changes in agricultural land to non agriculture this can also bring bad impact if not through the analysis of environmental impacts (AMDAL), because the effect of the lack of productive land and water / rain infiltration area.
  • In this type of housing is usually available facilities needed by the settlers (eg Education Facilities, Health Facilities, Facility Trade, etc.).

2. 2. Medium Scale (OF AREA HOUSING);
  • New housing is usually located around the city.
  • Many private developers are interested, because a small fee must be paid to build major infrastructure needed settlers, because the location is in the path of the infrastructure already provided by the government.
  • Main problems that occur on this type of housing is the integration of spatial and infrastructure.

  • Type of housing this system usually use "in fill", where there is enough land to build housing units with a little housing development then this can be done.
  • Because the easy to build this type of housing, the presence is being difficult to be controlled, the government regulators as a key factor controllers of this type of housing development.
  • Housing is a type of housing built in the most, because the cost incurred by the developer does not scale housing development of medium and large scale units and houses can be sold quickly and does not need major infrastructure development for more.
  • This type of housing is housing that is sought by many prospective settlers the poor, because the price is usually cheaper and is close to other residential locations.
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