Set in the selection of a home as a place to live or take shelter of all conditions is not easy, especially in the selection of a house in the area of housing. Many considerations will be counted and many aspects
Whether or not the selection of housing locations will be associated with some of the team or organization into the formation of a housing. Some of the parties involved and the motivation for choosing the location of housing are:
Whether or not the selection of housing locations will be associated with some of the team or organization into the formation of a housing. Some of the parties involved and the motivation for choosing the location of housing are:
- Appropriate spatial area.
Suitability for the location of housing with the suitability of spatial region will help the government establish a residential area in harmony with other areas of planning that has been planned in the Spatial Plan (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah / RTRW) or City Spatial Plan (Rencana Tata Ruang Kawasan / RTRK), so that the form of a region or city government can be expected with perfect form / fit the rules.
- Minimal land may reduce the rice field.
Land rice field land which is productive in meeting their food needs for all people. Given the importance of rice field land for human life then the government expects that the rice field soil have not reduced it's area due to housing development. "A good home, but if there is no food that can be consumed will be created does not have any human resources / energy to do all activities."
- Safe from the threat of disaster.
Location of housing is not expected to be at the location that has a high threat of disaster is high. When a location is located in the housing area to the disaster-prone (natural and human), then there is the emergence of a need that level of supervision will be high, both by themselves and the government housing. In the event of a disaster that is natural disaster, the government will be burden dealing with victims of natural disasters, and where the handling costs will be high enough and the government will reduce the capital that had been allocated to other sectors.
- Close to the facilities that have been prepared.
Proximity of a residential location with many facilities that have been provided by the government will assist the government in reducing the facilities for housing. If a housing located in a remote location with facilities that are provided by the government will make the government should think and issue the allocation of funds for the development of these facilities.
2. Developer;
- Cheaper land prices.
Cheapness of land price obtained for the location of housing will help the developers to press for the development of the production cost of housing. In this case, economic factors will be affected quite a lot, because the price is cheap will be give effect to the selling price of units is also the home of cheap units, so the house will sell quickly and the developers will get a quick profit.
- Conditions potential site to be developed.
Potential site to be developed that can help to the developers to push the cost of land for maturation, so that it is not necessary that the handling is quite complicated to build units to house and facilities in the housing.
- Lowest possible social cost.
It is the social facilities that are near the location of housing, it will help the developers not to build more facilities to meet the social needs of the housing
3. Candidates settlers;
- Affordable prices.
Cheapness price house that sold the unit in a housing will help the search for the home, especially among the poor to be able to have a house in accordance with the standard requirement. This will also help the search for a house can take the Credit Home Ownership.
- Ease the process of credit.
A cheap price does not always become the main priority, this is the case in search of the house that are less capable. The complexity of the requirements proposed by the Development partners (in this case the banks that issue credit) to factor that make desire to have a house is off again, usually because the search of the home can not be less able to buy a house in cash, so credit of Housing Ownership Credit (Kredit Pemilikan Rumah / KPR) is a road that main.
- Near the workplace.
Accessibility are factors that affect the prospective resident to determine the choice of buying a home. Human beings are all want to fast, especially at this time is someone determines the success of the business. The man quickly be in the more rapidly he also desires to get, so the location close to the workplace will provide ease of accessibility, fast and easy for candidates to work for settlers.
- Safe from disaster.
Security is a factor that provide a sense of comfort for prospective settlers to live in a house. The location of safe houses to make a disaster will make the housing feel more comfortable to live.
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